Sugar Bowl Meeting and...

Before I lose the attention of people whose children are not going to New Orleans, we've had 2 students need to drop out of the trip for pretty serious reasons. Unfortunately we cannot refund them their money or reduce our numbers as everything has already been purchased. If your child was not planning on going but has reconsidered, we are allowed to substitute someone else. Please call or email immediately if you think your child might be interested in taking one of these spots. We also have the same situation with a chaperone and could handle taking one more either male or female chaperone. Please contact me immediately if you are interested. You would need to let me know by the end of this week if you think you might be interested in one of these spots. I know there are still many questions about the trip and I think it'd be easiest if we have a meeting for all families/students to attend. That meeting will happen next Thursday, Dec. 20 directly after marching band practice (5pm). I will go over the final itinerary at that time, packing needs and answer any questions you might have at that time. If possible, please try to send at least one member of your family (or make sure your child can stay) so that someone is there to receive all of the information. 19 days to go........... Mr. Lundin

Sugar Bowl Trip final payments

Hello Everyone: We are working hard to try and get final payment amounts out to all students before Thanksgiving. Those amounts will be calculated by the day's end, but students who have band earlier in the day did not receive their payoff amount in class. We will make an announcement for them to come and pick it up later. If your child returns home today without the amount and you need to know over break, you may email Angel Smith at to find that information. We will also have the sheets ready to go home on Monday next week, should your child be unable to bring it home today. The final amount that each traveler will be paying ended up being $882 per person. This includes a number of meals that have been added and the cost of 101 travelers paying for 112 spots on the buses. Those changes account for the slightly elevated cost of the trip (initial estimates were closer to $820 per person). Each student will be receiving $92 from the music boosters and $30 from the various fundraisers that the band has held, meaning that the cost per person is really $760 per person. If your child did no individual fundraising and you have made the $350 deposits requested to date, you would owe us $410 for the trip. The sheets being passed out today will include all deposits and individual fundraising. In order to give us the time needed to process all of the checks and mail the money to our travel provider, we are asking everyone to return final payments by December 7. Please feel free to email if you should have any questions. We will be able to return phone calls next Monday. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Lundin

IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival

Hello Everyone:

This Saturday DeKalb High School is hosting the IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival. This is one of the largest festivals in the state and will bring almost 1000 musicians together for a day of music making. In order to host such a large event, we need a tremendous amount of help. Areas of need are include set-up on Friday night (from 6pm-approx. 9pm) and for clean-up after the last concert (around 8pm-10pm on Saturday night).

Additionally we will need help with lunches and dinners on Saturday. The Music Boosters will be selling those and all interested volunteers should contact Carol Lee Duffin at

Finally, we will need helpers throughout the day on Saturday to help with crowd control and traffic flow. If you are willing to help with set-up/clean-up or crowd control please email me as soon as possible.

This is a very prestigious event and DHS is very proud to serve as the host. Please help us put our very best foot forward as a community and join us if you are able.

Thanks in advance for your continued support,
Mr. Lundin
Hello Everyone:

I'm emailing today just to clear up a question a few of the students had about tomorrow night's Cajun Kick-Off.

 You absolutely may attend if you did not pre-order tickets; you may simply buy tickets at the door. You are of course encouraged to attend (and you may encourage others to attend as well).

 The planners have gone through great trouble to ensure an enjoyable evening filled with activities, prizes and some wonderful auction items (and there's even a kid's area). The Jazz Ensemble will be performing some New Orleans themed jazz and the Marching Band will be performing a preview of the music that we will be playing at the Sugar Bowl halftime show. It's sure to be an enjoyable night and a great way to support the DHS band program.

 The school will be crowded due to a number of events happening at DHS so there will be overflow parking behind the music wing in the bus parking area opening around 5:30 pm (the dinner starts at 6:00 though).

As always, please let me know if there's anything I can do,
thank you,
Steve Lundin

Final Competition

Hello Everyone:
As I'm sure you're aware, Saturday is our final competition.  As usual, we would like to have some volunteers help move equipment.  If you would like to ride the bus with us, please let me know as I kind of think there might be more of you interested in doing that than normal.  If you'd like to meet us there, that's great too, please just let me know.
Also, for people who are planning on driving down, I'm wondering if someone might be willing to stay for the awards ceremony.  We have decided to bring the band home after our performance so that we can actually get home on Saturday (hopefully).  Awards will not end until about 10:00 pm for those of you who might consider staying.  You'd likely still be able to arrive home close to when the busses do, given the travel time of the buses. 
Music Boosters still needs volunteers to help provide lunch to CRMS, HMS, and DHS band members at the end of the Pumpkin Parade! Volunteers will meet at Southeast School in Sycamore at 11:00, and preparations will be done in time for you to watch the parade. Then you will return to the school to help serve. Please notify Carol Lee Duffin at or 815-754-1479 if you can help.
Lastly, pep band games have been added to the calendar.  For those of you who are new to this, students are assigned to one of two bands.  They are then required to attend all but 2 of the games for that band (they can miss any 2 without penalty).  They may also makeup games as well if needed.  One band will mostly play on Tuesday nights and one band will mostly play on weekends.  Our schedule is relatively light this year and the weekend band will actually have to play 3 Tuesdays, because there are many more weekday games this year.  If your child has a preference on which band they should be in, please make sure they know this by next week when I start placing students into pep bands.
Thanks everyone for your continued support (and thankfully we're almost done with the busiest part of the season).
Mr. Lundin

Today's the day!

Hello everyone:

I'm sending this email because I'd received a few requests regarding how to complete the online registration for students coming to New Orleans with us. Simply visit and click on the register tab. Our group code is 76931. Everything after that should be pretty self explanatory.

Also, fundraising sales and trip deposits are due today. If your child forgot to bring their stuff to school, please remind them to bring it to Marching Band this evening.

Additionally, we're still desperately in the need of volunteers to help us on Sunday. Please let me know if you're able to join us.

Finally, I had to make changes to the marching band practice schedule next week. We were set to begin after school practices, but with the choir and orchestra concerts and one more competition, we've decided to rehearse on one more Wednesday evening and then Friday after school. The online calendar now reflects this change. I'm terribly sorry about the late notice. We will begin rehearsing after school on October 29.

Thank you,

Mr. Lundin

Upcoming Deadlines

Hello Everyone:
This is just a reminder that we have a couple of deadlines coming up for marching band events.  This Friday, October 19, is the last day to turn in orders for the Great American Fundraiser.  It is also the same day that second deposits are due for the Sugar Bowl trip.  Additionally students have been asked to sign up for hotel rooms for the trip.  While they can sign up here at school, I cannot complete the hotel booking process until everyone has also completed heritage's online registration.  If your child has not done that, please ask them to do so as soon as possible.
Also, this evening a number of pep band students will be performing at Noodles and Co. before tonight's practice.  Noodles is kicking off some new menu choices and is having bands play at their store locations all over the US today.  We will receive a portion of the profits from all sales of the new menu items.  So if you're looking for something to do for dinner tonight, please consider supporting a company that has been very generous to our band program.
Finally, we have another marching competition this Sunday.  We are performing at 7 pm at Sandwich High School.  This will be the closest location for us in a competitive setting if you're interested in seeing the band in a more band-centric performance setting.  We are of course in need of volunteers to help move equipment on Sunday.  Please feel free to email if you are able to help.
Thank you as always for your help,
Mr. Lundin

Congratulations to IMEA District 8 Qualifiers

The following students won auditions to be accepted into IMEA District VIII Festivals. The listing order is the same as they appear on the festival acceptance sheet. There is no implication of seating at this point.

IMEA District Band, hosted at DHS on Nov. 17:
Matt Eaton, Sean Holly, Allison Hunter-Rosene, Misha Ryhzov, Michael Verbic, Adam Weiss, Caleb Weiss, Samantha Click, Taylor Ihm, Saavana Robles, Spencer Zick

IMEA District II/VIII Orchestra, also at DHS on Nov. 17:
Evan Taylor, Isaac Hietanen, Emily Johnson

IMEA District Jazz Festival, hosted at Rochelle HS on Nov. 10:
Angelo Barone, Marshon Campbell, Nelle Conley, Ian Dougen, Merrick Haji Sheikh, Sean Holly, Ben Smelser, Owen Smith, DeQuan Webb, Spencer Zick

Congrats to everyone who auditioned. You're all better players today than when you began this process whether you were accepted or not. Keep up the hard work!

Volunteers Needed

Hello everyone:

I'm emailing because we are in need of volunteers for a few upcoming events. This weekend we could use a couple of adults to help move gear at the competition on Sunday. We like to have about 3-6 extra adults at all of the competitions to help with the pit and guard equipment. You are welcome to ride the bus with us as well. This is something we need at all of our competitions, so even if you can't come this time, please consider helping another time. If you are interested, please contact me via email.

Today in class, students received the Great American catalog fundraiser. All profits that students take in from this particular fundraiser go to help the student who sold those items directly. It's a great way for students to lower the cost of this trip.

Additionally, the music boosters are planning a large fundraiser for the New Orleans trip. I'm attaching a form seeking volunteers to help with that event as well.

The music boosters fundraiser will include a dinner and solicitation of donations. Ticket/ donation forms for that event will be sent him with students shortly. We will need everyone to mail those letters to anyone you think might be willing to support the band. Donations can be a major source of funding for events such as these and when lots of people give just a little, we can really do some wonderful things for our students.

Finally, for those of you interested in attending the competition on Sunday, the following information has been provided by Marengo:

The address of Marengo High School is 110 Franks Road. I do not recommend using Mapquest or Google Maps because they have a habit of telling you to drive to the wrong street.

View Larger Map

A few reminders and requests:


The Value Card Fundraiser that the students brought home during Band Camp is ending this Friday, September 14th .  All money and/or Value cards must be turned in at this time.

The Marching Band will have its annual Chili Dinner on Friday, September 21st from 5 to 7:30 here at the DHS Cafeteria.   We are pre-selling tickets this year to get a better estimate of how many people may attend.  Students were given an envelope with 8 tickets and a form to fill out and turn in by  Wednesday, Sept. 19th.   We will start setting up at 3 that Friday and we are in need of a few roasters for cooking chili/hotdogs and coolers to store the soda.    Whatever time you are able to volunteer would be greatly appreciated.  We are also asking each family to donate either a case of water or soda to help cut costs for this fundraiser.  Please email or call Angel at 754-2120 with questions or to volunteer.

Quick Reminder: Market Day forms are due this Friday and pick up will be Tuesday, September 18th from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Fine Arts area.
Thank you for your help and support,

The DHS Band

From Mr. Lundin - 09-10-12

Hello everyone:

I'm terribly sorry but the schedule change for open house is not tonight, but should be happening on September 24.  We will follow our normal practice time of 6-8 pm this evening.

I simply mis-read memo I receeived.  A very big thank you to the parents who pointed this out.  We are planning on holding the practice on Sep. 24 from 5-7 pm to accommodate the DHS Open House.

Thank you,
Mr. Lundin

From Mr. Lundin 09/10

Hello Everyone:
I'm sorry for the late notice, but tonight's marching band practice needs to run from 5pm-7pm instead of the normal 6-8 time slot.  This will allow me to accommodate seeing all of you during this evening's open house here at DHS.  I was able to inform the students on Friday evening, but I wanted to make sure the families were aware as well.
Additionally, we have decided to accept the offer from Bowl Games of America to perform in the All-State Sugar Bowl in New Orleans in January of 2013.  Information regarding fund raising, travel-specifics and payment will all be forthcoming shortly.  Our first fundraising efforts are actually already underway.  If you still have value cards please return any sale money as soon as possible.  Unused cards need to be returned as we still have some time to sell them at events here at DHS.  Information regarding the chili dinner was also sent home with your student last week.  We appreciate everything that you can do to help with these efforts.  I'm confident that the trip to New Orleans will be a truly special experience for our students and greatly appreciate everything that you do to make it possible.
Finally, please keep a careful eye on our calendar over the next few weeks as there are some oddities in the schedule (during homecoming week for example).
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
thank you,
Mr. Lundin

A message from the DeKalb Music Boosters . . .

DeKalb Music Boosters is pleased to announce that we have recently revised our bylaws to officially define a DeKalb Music Booster as any parent or guardian of a student in a music ensemble at DeKalb High School, Clinton Rosette Middle School, or Huntley Middle School.

We recognize that every parent of a music student is supporting the music department---even if just by supporting their own child. But our parents contribute countless hours to the music departments in a myriad of other ways. This change in definition acknowledges that it is what you do, more than what you pay, that makes you a Music Booster.
Do we still want your money? Well, yes, if you have some to spare. One of our main functions is to raise money to help provide extras that the bands, choirs, and orchestras can't afford on their own---things like travel, special events, and scholarships.
But, there are other ways to participate, too. We always need volunteers to help with fundraisers and events. It takes a lot of parent power to help our fantastic music staff do all the things they want to do. And if you'd like to voice your opinion and share your ideas, we welcome you at our monthly meetings (first Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at the high school).

On that note (pun intended), we'd like to invite you to attend our first meeting of the school year. It will be held on Thursday, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Forum Room of the high school. This meeting will be devoted to brainstorming ideas for future fundraisers, so if you have some great ideas (or just want to hear others' ideas), please come! For those who have children in the DHS band, Mr. Lundin will be speaking at the end of the meeting (around 7:45) about plans for the upcoming band trip.

If you cannot make the meeting and would still like to share your ideas, or you would like to contact us for any other reason, you can talk to any of the board members or reach us at
We look forward to seeing you!

DeKalb Music Boosters Board
Carol Lee Duffin, president
Patti Gingrich, vice-president
Jen Conley, secretary
Dawn Flippin, treasurer

DHS Marching Barbs 2012 Travel Plans

Dear Parents/ Students:

The Marching Band Staff has been planning on traveling with the band during the 2012 season.
Traditionally we have been attending the Thanksgiving parade in Chicago every other year,
while staying one night downtown before the parade. We have also considered opting out of
that trip and instead performing at the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, LA on December 31, 2012.

Both options would present students with the incredible opportunity to perform in front of
national audiences with some of the strongest bands in the country. We are proud as a
program to have been invited to perform in events such as these.

We will only attend one of those events and we need to know which event we should be
putting our resources into at this time. The Chicago parade usually costs us about $220/
student for a 2-day/ 1-night trip. The Sugar Bowl trip will cost approximately $800/ student for
a 4-day, 3-night trip. These figures assume no fundraising. At this time we are asking that
everyone return the bottom portion of this form along with a deposit (which we will not be able
to refund once we have committed to a given trip). We will be planning fundraisers throughout
the Fall to offset the cost of whichever event we choose to attend, so it can be assumed that
the cost of whichever trip we take will be lowered by all fund raising efforts.

Please return the bottom portion of this form with checks payable to the DHS Band if your child
will be joining us.
Thank you,

Steven Lundin
DHS Band Director
815-754-2120 or

Please complete and return with deposit by August 17, 2012.
Student's Name ------------------------
_This $100 deposit may be used for either trip
_This $100 deposit may only be used for the Sugar Bowl trip
_This $100 deposit may only be used for the Thanksgiving trip
The DeKalb Music Boosters' Summer and Senior Scholarship applications are now available for 2012. Summer scholarships are open to 8th grade, Freshman, Sophomore and Junior students who participate in the DeKalb school music programs. Senior Scholarships are open to DeKalb High School Seniors who have participated in the DeKalb School music programs and plan to pursue music studies at the college level. Please see the applications in the links below for full details. Applications are due to the DeKalb Music Boosters by April 30, 2012.

Senior Night Game Still On

Tonight's Basketball Game (February 24) will go on as planned. Members of both bands are expected to attend. Tonight will be our final pep band performance of the year. The call time remains 6:15 pm.

-Mr. L