Upcoming Deadlines

Hello Everyone:
This is just a reminder that we have a couple of deadlines coming up for marching band events.  This Friday, October 19, is the last day to turn in orders for the Great American Fundraiser.  It is also the same day that second deposits are due for the Sugar Bowl trip.  Additionally students have been asked to sign up for hotel rooms for the trip.  While they can sign up here at school, I cannot complete the hotel booking process until everyone has also completed heritage's online registration.  If your child has not done that, please ask them to do so as soon as possible.
Also, this evening a number of pep band students will be performing at Noodles and Co. before tonight's practice.  Noodles is kicking off some new menu choices and is having bands play at their store locations all over the US today.  We will receive a portion of the profits from all sales of the new menu items.  So if you're looking for something to do for dinner tonight, please consider supporting a company that has been very generous to our band program.
Finally, we have another marching competition this Sunday.  We are performing at 7 pm at Sandwich High School.  This will be the closest location for us in a competitive setting if you're interested in seeing the band in a more band-centric performance setting.  We are of course in need of volunteers to help move equipment on Sunday.  Please feel free to email if you are able to help.
Thank you as always for your help,
Mr. Lundin