Sugar Bowl Trip final payments

Hello Everyone: We are working hard to try and get final payment amounts out to all students before Thanksgiving. Those amounts will be calculated by the day's end, but students who have band earlier in the day did not receive their payoff amount in class. We will make an announcement for them to come and pick it up later. If your child returns home today without the amount and you need to know over break, you may email Angel Smith at to find that information. We will also have the sheets ready to go home on Monday next week, should your child be unable to bring it home today. The final amount that each traveler will be paying ended up being $882 per person. This includes a number of meals that have been added and the cost of 101 travelers paying for 112 spots on the buses. Those changes account for the slightly elevated cost of the trip (initial estimates were closer to $820 per person). Each student will be receiving $92 from the music boosters and $30 from the various fundraisers that the band has held, meaning that the cost per person is really $760 per person. If your child did no individual fundraising and you have made the $350 deposits requested to date, you would owe us $410 for the trip. The sheets being passed out today will include all deposits and individual fundraising. In order to give us the time needed to process all of the checks and mail the money to our travel provider, we are asking everyone to return final payments by December 7. Please feel free to email if you should have any questions. We will be able to return phone calls next Monday. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Lundin

IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival

Hello Everyone:

This Saturday DeKalb High School is hosting the IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival. This is one of the largest festivals in the state and will bring almost 1000 musicians together for a day of music making. In order to host such a large event, we need a tremendous amount of help. Areas of need are include set-up on Friday night (from 6pm-approx. 9pm) and for clean-up after the last concert (around 8pm-10pm on Saturday night).

Additionally we will need help with lunches and dinners on Saturday. The Music Boosters will be selling those and all interested volunteers should contact Carol Lee Duffin at

Finally, we will need helpers throughout the day on Saturday to help with crowd control and traffic flow. If you are willing to help with set-up/clean-up or crowd control please email me as soon as possible.

This is a very prestigious event and DHS is very proud to serve as the host. Please help us put our very best foot forward as a community and join us if you are able.

Thanks in advance for your continued support,
Mr. Lundin
Hello Everyone:

I'm emailing today just to clear up a question a few of the students had about tomorrow night's Cajun Kick-Off.

 You absolutely may attend if you did not pre-order tickets; you may simply buy tickets at the door. You are of course encouraged to attend (and you may encourage others to attend as well).

 The planners have gone through great trouble to ensure an enjoyable evening filled with activities, prizes and some wonderful auction items (and there's even a kid's area). The Jazz Ensemble will be performing some New Orleans themed jazz and the Marching Band will be performing a preview of the music that we will be playing at the Sugar Bowl halftime show. It's sure to be an enjoyable night and a great way to support the DHS band program.

 The school will be crowded due to a number of events happening at DHS so there will be overflow parking behind the music wing in the bus parking area opening around 5:30 pm (the dinner starts at 6:00 though).

As always, please let me know if there's anything I can do,
thank you,
Steve Lundin