IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival

Hello Everyone:

This Saturday DeKalb High School is hosting the IMEA District 8 Jr./Sr. Music Festival. This is one of the largest festivals in the state and will bring almost 1000 musicians together for a day of music making. In order to host such a large event, we need a tremendous amount of help. Areas of need are include set-up on Friday night (from 6pm-approx. 9pm) and for clean-up after the last concert (around 8pm-10pm on Saturday night).

Additionally we will need help with lunches and dinners on Saturday. The Music Boosters will be selling those and all interested volunteers should contact Carol Lee Duffin at

Finally, we will need helpers throughout the day on Saturday to help with crowd control and traffic flow. If you are willing to help with set-up/clean-up or crowd control please email me as soon as possible.

This is a very prestigious event and DHS is very proud to serve as the host. Please help us put our very best foot forward as a community and join us if you are able.

Thanks in advance for your continued support,
Mr. Lundin