IMEA Clarinet Audition Advice

Hey clarinet players- here are some links to youtube videos of NIU's Prof. Barrett playing the clarinet etudes. Enjoy:


- Mr. L

Calendar Updated 9.20.11

Everyone please note that the calendar has been updated again. Preliminary times for basketball season are now included as well as practice and performance updates for the outdoor marching season. Our first competition will be October 1 at NIU and we have a 4:45 call time in the band room.

Back to School

Who's ready for school? Not me! But that doesn't mean you can skip out on band practice. After-school marching band practice will be from 6-8 p.m. this Tuesday (at DHS) and Wednesday (at the NIU football field). Every other week will be Monday and Wednesday from 6-8, but this week is different due to Labor day.

-Kelan the Mello