Hello Everyone:
I've received a number of questions about the band's schedule this weekend, so I wanted to make sure everyone knows exactly what our plan is.
Tonight we have a regularly scheduled football game with a 5:45 call time.  We will try to expedite going home as many students have an important day on Saturday.  We will however, stay till the end of the game as we usually do, but we plan on cleaning and getting out of there very quickly though.
For Saturday, students who are taking an IMEA audition should plan on arriving at DHS at 10:00 AM.  For those few students who are auditioning before lunch (12:00 and earlier)- you should arrive at DHS by 7:00 AM.  It is totally ok if you parents plan on driving their child to Sterling HS for their audition, but if that's not the case, please make sure you arrive on time, the buses cannot afford to wait for you.
Sunday is of course or big day as a marching band.  The call time for the day is 11AM. The Cortland town parade steps off at 1pm.  The students are fed a small meal as part of this event.  When we're done, we're coming back to DHS just repack our equipment and maybe practice for a few minutes.  We are planning on getting to Marengo in time for the students to be able to watch some of the other bands who perform ahead of us.  It is recommended that students bring either a bagged dinner or some money to buy food before we perform at the competition.  We perform at 8 and I predict we'll get home between 10-10:30.  We're all then very happy to not have school on Monday.
I am attaching a performance schedule and some information regarding Sunday's event.
Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions,
hope to see many of you this weekend,
Steve Lundin