There are a few music events coming up that I wanted make sure you were all aware of. These are all on the calendar, but things always seem to get a little crazy once the weather finally starts to change, so I thought a reminder might be nice.
If your child registered for band next year, you should have received your band camp mailing. If you did not, please let us know asap. If you did get it, please return it to us as soon as you can. The work that needs to get done in the summer is so much easier if we have everyone's info in early. Thanks in advance for helping us with this.
April 12- IHSA Organizational Contest at Belvidere North HS. Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo will be performing. All 4 groups will be riding together and returning together unless a parent/ guardian plans on providing transportation. Please notify me in advance should you need to do this for any reason.
Call time at DHS is 8:30 and our performances all happen between 10:55 AM and 1:30 PM. We should be home before 3 pm.
April 16- Ford's Driver 4UR School Fundraiser for Music Boosters- 12:30-7:00 pm in the DHS parking lot. This is such a great fun and easy fundraiser. One person over 18 from each household should absolutely come out and test drive a Ford. The music boosters gets $20 for each person who agrees to take a test drive. It's right here at DHS and it's during the first day of parent teacher conferences. It only takes a few minutes and you will NOT BE HASSLED into feeling like you should buy a car. It's really a good will event where they're giving us money just to encourage people to come out and learn about their cars. We did it last year and it was lots of fun even on a really cold day. I've attached a poster if you'd like to help spread the word.
April 17- Parent/teacher conferences
May 8-DHS Band Concert- here at DHS at 7 pm
May 19- DHS Percussion and Steelband concert- here at DHS at 7 pm
May 20- Dist 428 Jazz Festival-time and location TBA
May 23- Band Banquet- here at DHS- more info coming soon
May 26- Memorial Day Parade
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions/ concerns.
Thanks so much,
Mr. L