Fwd: basketball help on Jan. 28/other band stuff

Begin forwarded message:

> From: <STEVE.LUNDIN@dist428.org>
> Subject: basketball help on Jan. 28/other band stuff
> Date: January 24, 2014 at 2:30:35 PM CST
> To: <kgraddy@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: STEVE.LUNDIN@dist428.org
> This email is regarding: KELAN GRADDY.
> Class: MARCHING BAND Prd: 13 Teacher: LUNDIN
> -----------------------------------------------
> Hi everyone:
> This is just a quick note to ask for some help with selling concessions at the Jan. 28 Basketball game at DHS.  The Pep Band is performing, the DHS Winter Guard is performing and the Music Boosters are selling concessions.  With so much going on, we're hoping that many of you might be coming to the game anyway and might be willing to help with concessions (which of course raise funds that come right back to DHS music programs).  If you are able and willing please contact Carol Lee Duffin at:
> duffincl3@yahoo.com or 815-754-1479.
> Also,  this is a quick note for those of you have tried to get in touch in the past few days.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond.  I'm in Peoria with our All-State music students, who are making our program proud (very possibly the best results with audition placements we've ever seen), but I promise to answer any of your unanswered emails early next week.
> Good luck braving the cold and hope to see you either next Tuesday, or next Friday at the Castle Challenge.
> -Mr. Lundin
> District: DeKalb Community Unit School Dist. 428
> District Web Site: http://dist428.org
> State: IL
> District Code: 0194280