Today's the day!

Hello everyone:

I'm sending this email because I'd received a few requests regarding how to complete the online registration for students coming to New Orleans with us. Simply visit and click on the register tab. Our group code is 76931. Everything after that should be pretty self explanatory.

Also, fundraising sales and trip deposits are due today. If your child forgot to bring their stuff to school, please remind them to bring it to Marching Band this evening.

Additionally, we're still desperately in the need of volunteers to help us on Sunday. Please let me know if you're able to join us.

Finally, I had to make changes to the marching band practice schedule next week. We were set to begin after school practices, but with the choir and orchestra concerts and one more competition, we've decided to rehearse on one more Wednesday evening and then Friday after school. The online calendar now reflects this change. I'm terribly sorry about the late notice. We will begin rehearsing after school on October 29.

Thank you,

Mr. Lundin