A message from the DeKalb Music Boosters . . .
DeKalb Music Boosters is pleased to announce that we have recently revised our bylaws to officially define a DeKalb Music Booster as any parent or guardian of a student in a music ensemble at DeKalb High School, Clinton Rosette Middle School, or Huntley Middle School.
We recognize that every parent of a music student is supporting the music department---even if just by supporting their own child. But our parents contribute countless hours to the music departments in a myriad of other ways. This change in definition acknowledges that it is what you do, more than what you pay, that makes you a Music Booster.
Do we still want your money? Well, yes, if you have some to spare. One of our main functions is to raise money to help provide extras that the bands, choirs, and orchestras can't afford on their own---things like travel, special events, and scholarships.
But, there are other ways to participate, too. We always need volunteers to help with fundraisers and events. It takes a lot of parent power to help our fantastic music staff do all the things they want to do. And if you'd like to voice your opinion and share your ideas, we welcome you at our monthly meetings (first Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. at the high school).
On that note (pun intended), we'd like to invite you to attend our first meeting of the school year. It will be held on Thursday, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Forum Room of the high school. This meeting will be devoted to brainstorming ideas for future fundraisers, so if you have some great ideas (or just want to hear others' ideas), please come! For those who have children in the DHS band, Mr. Lundin will be speaking at the end of the meeting (around 7:45) about plans for the upcoming band trip.
If you cannot make the meeting and would still like to share your ideas, or you would like to contact us for any other reason, you can talk to any of the board members or reach us at dekalbmusicboosters428@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing you!
DeKalb Music Boosters Board
Carol Lee Duffin, president
Patti Gingrich, vice-president
Jen Conley, secretary
Dawn Flippin, treasurer